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Case Study: Refurbishment Services

Repairing and repainting median curbs and bollards

    • Client: Logistics Company, Oxfordshire
    • Project: Repair and repaint curbs and bollards
    • Product Value: £3,700
    • Products: Coovar Fluorescent Paint & protective glaze
    • Commenced: June 2024
    • Works Duration: 4 days

Project Description

A logistics company in Oxfordshire required the existing concrete median curbs and bollards located within roadways around the site to be repaired and repainted. The various barriers needed to stand out to drivers, ensuring they adhered to safety systems and maintained an appropriate distance between the curbs/bollards and site vehicles, thereby ensuring vehicle safety.

The job required minor repairs to be carried out to the concrete substrate, prepare the surfaces and repaint the median curbs and bollards. As this involved working within a live site, situated within carriageways, coordination and visibility was essential to ensure operative safety.

Coovar was specified due to its suitability for exterior use and available in bright fluorescent colours, with green and white selected, as had been used originally. A clear, heavy duty protective glaze was then applied over the paint finish, providing protection against road usage and the weather, ensuring greater longevity.

The work was completed within the allocated time frame and to budget, fully meeting the client’s exacting standards, providing a solution that is strong, durable and fit for purpose. As per Zenith’s usual ‘can do’ approach, the job was carried out efficiently and professionally, with minimum disruption, aptly demonstrating the team’s attention to detail and expertise.

For more information, please call us on 024 7668 7167 or email info@zenithcontractservices.co.uk

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More refurbishment case studies