Zenith Contract Services Unit 4, 205 Torrington Avenue, Coventry, CV4 9UT.

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Case Study: Resin Flooring

Slip-resistant kitchen floor completed overnight in busy Bristol hotel

  • Client: Hotel in Bristol
  • Project: Kitchen Floor Facelift
  • Project Value: £4,200
  • Products: KDR Polyrapide PU Coating with Fine Bauxite Aggregates
  • Works Duration: Overnight
  • Area Coverage: 110 Square Metres

Project Description

A popular hotel in Bristol required a facelift for their kitchen floor, but obviously closing the kitchen was not an option for such a busy venue. Zenith Contract Services were tasked with finding a product that would not only provide the required finish, but could also be installed and completed overnight.

Given that the job was situated within a kitchen, the product needed to be non-slip and taint-free, essential in a food environment. Zenith selected KDR polyrapide pu coating with a fine bauxite aggregate to provide slip resistance. The Polyrapide is very fast curing, requiring just two hours between coats, and curing in approximately four hours, when it is suitable for trafficking.

Given the need to complete the job overnight, all preparation and application was completed within sufficient time to allow a full cure, ensuring the kitchen was fully functional in time for breakfast preparation, with no disruption to the hotel.

This job aptly illustrates the ‘can do’ attitude of Zenith’s flooring team, who will always work within time constraints to ensure minimum disruption to a client’s schedule or working environment. The client was delighted with Zenith’s speedy and professional capability, and the final results, which have transformed the kitchen environment, providing a fresh, clean look that is both aesthetically pleasing and meets the functional requirements of a busy catering facility.

For more information, please call us on 024 7668 7167 or email info@zenithcontractservices.co.uk

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Flooring case studies