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Case Study: Resin Flooring

Showcase floor for drinks manufacturer’s seminar area.

  • Client: Drinks Manufacturer
  • Project: New flooring for seminar room
  • Product Value: £9,000
  • Products: Altro Mosaic decorative flake system
  • Commenced: May 2024
  • Works Duration: 3 Days
  • Area Coverage: 200 Square Metres

Project Description

The client is a world-famous drinks manufacturer and the job involved installing a new resin floor within the seminar area at their distillery. Given that this area is used to entertain clients as well as a training facility, the floor had to be finished to a high level and portray the right image.

Zenith enjoys a challenge and rose to the occasion, selecting the Altro Mosaic decorative flake system for the large flooring area, covering some 200m2. This solution was seen to provide the right level of finish for the high-profile area, with the colour palette designed to complement existing furnishing and decoration.

The work was designated to take place over a 3-day period, with preparation of the existing floor taking place on the first day. This saw the existing surface being ground extensively in order to provide a suitable mechanical key for the new resin floor.

Altrocoat Mosaic was applied in a single colour and allowed to cure, before two clear coats of Altroseal were applied on the second day. On the third day a final coat of Altrocoat WD was applied, providing a matt finish.

The finished floor met all the client’s requirements and was finished on time and within budget. Not only does it deliver a highly aesthetic appeal, but is also extremely durable, easy to clean, and designed to keep its good looks for years to come.

Needless to say, the client was delighted with the results and Zenith’s team was very happy with the quality of the finish, which they felt had more than answered the brief. As a showcase resin floor application, the job certainly highlights the capability and professionalism of Zenith’s flooring operatives and the stunning results that can be achieved with a resin floor.

For more information, please call us on 024 7668 7167 or email info@zenithcontractservices.co.uk

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Flooring case studies